Sunday 18 October 2020

Hine Antique XO

Hine Antique XO

Brandy: Cognac
From: Grande Champagne
House: Hine
Style: Blend
Colour: Amber gold
ABV: 40%

N: red grapes, honey, raisins, sesame, pears, hints of chocolate. 

M: light body, cool, loose, slippery. 

T: Sweet. Cherries, honey, chocolate, raisins, fresh baked bread, pears, raspberries. 

F: Medium. Mint, fresh baked bread, cherries, chocolate. 


Hine is rapidly becoming one of my favourite cognac houses, along with NAUD. I find Hine cognacs sweet and gentle, but with layers of flavours. This one has cherries and chocolate, and is absolutely delicious. 


I like this a lot. 

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